

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso was a Spanish painter and is best now because his cubist movement. He has a wide variety of styles that are reflected on his pictures. In his early years he paint using Realism but over the years his style change to cubism.  One of his most know works is Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907) and Guernica (1937)

“They are not even allegorical or symbolical figures” (Andre Salmon, 1912 – Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon)

One of his more representative and best known work. The picture is about whores where one of them wears a mask and other woman is pulling a curtain, every woman is in a different position and draw differently. This painting caused commotion when appeared, not only for the subject, because prostitution was controversial because how was represented and as contortion the use of space in painting and the use of geometric shapes. These works revolutionize the art and develop the beginning of Cubism.

 “Picasso studies an object the way a surgeon dissects a corpse” (poet, Guillaume Apullinaire)

Picasso takes a person or ordinary object and redraws the images and transforms them into something completely different, it gets more interesting and visually intriguing. His work as a Cubist have something that catches your attention and makes it not boring,  you get interest  in his works and try to decipher the message and understand its meaning.

 Picasso's works are interesting to see from the detail and colors. I think it has an interesting way to break down the actual shape of objects and figures and recreate geometrically.


‘Introduction modernism’                                                                                                                                Chris Rodriges/Chris Garratt  (2004) by Icon Books Ltd

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