The Modernism was a new movement extended during 1860s to 1970s and brought new innovations on arts that we can even perceive in present times. The Modernism transforms the traditional art to more experimentation art with more creative ideas and led to experiments with form and work that draws attention to the processes and materials used. The Modernism changes not only affect the artistic view but also the cultural and were influenced by the modern development of the technologies, machinery, scientific development and philosophies.
“Modernism is marked by
modernity’s new visual technologies” (Marshall Berman, 1982)
Modernism was the result of a
series of sometimes contradictory responses to the situation as it was go
through the society like the First and Second World War was the cataclysmic of
an immensely traumatic experience for artist and the Enlightenment, came to be
seen as the source of logic and stability along with machine age.
During this period of art emerged
different branches like Cubism, Fauvism, Expressionism and Futurism.
“Such isms- indeed modernism
itself- provide clues to the ‘spirit of the age’… Modernism express the new
energies sweeping through from the late 19th century onwards- the revolutionary
potentials opened up by Marx, Freud, Nietzsche and others.”
The modernism has pioneered of
art like Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque from Cubism, Henri Matisse and André
Derain from Fauvism, Edvard Munch from Expressionism and Filippo Tommaso
Marinetti from Futurism.
‘Introduction modernism’
Chris Rodriges/Chris Garratt (2004)
by Icon Books Ltd
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